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Lets Grow Together With Us

Technology sales and implementation continue to change dramatically and rapidly.  Solutions are more complex involving more vendors and technologies than ever before. Our global and international platform for digital business offers solutions spanning a wide range of industries to help enterprises and service providers achieve success in digital economy. Where you don’t have the staff, expertise, resources, Super Sistem fills the gaps and enhances your business proficiency.

Why Partner With Super Sistem


Super Sistem positions itself only in wholesale (non-retail) network provider.

The Unify

Super Sistem allows our clienteles to have full access to Super Sistem network partners information in real-time thus enable our partners to rapidly monetize on-demand connectivity, co-location and professional services to win more opportunities.

International Gateway

Super Sistem owns International gateway submarine fiber optic which will allow our partners to have exposure to international clienteles.

Learning and Transforming Together

Super Sistem has been established for many years with our core team having proven solid first-hand experience in submarine fiber optic and telecommunication industry. In today’s rapid digital transformation age, Super Sistem will help our partners bridge the existing and the emerging by sharing our experience and expertise so we can run and transform together at the same time.


You need to be the technology expert for your clients and offer communication solutions at every opportunity. Super Sistem offers a comprehensive suite of solution that are ready to be deployed across the globe with a model that is focused on driving profitability and supporting our partners long term growth.